Race 10
1210m Race 10 - Maiden Optional Claiming.
Race overview
No. | Name | Trainer | Jockey | A/S | Days | Ave$ | Career | Win | Place | Last 6 | Rating | Fixed Win |
01 | Golden Boss | Michael De Paulo | Pietro Moran () | 3yof | 44 | $0 | 3: 0-1-1 | 0% | 67% | 7x32 | - | W |
02 | Genius Of Love | Robert Tiller | Cheyenne Kerr () | 3yof | 44 | $0 | 4: 0-0-1 | 0% | 25% | 4357 | - | W |
03 | Fedorova | Jr John Le Blanc, | Leo Salles () | 3yof | 51 | $0 | 6: 0-2-1 | 0% | 50% | 4727x2 | - | W |
04 | Cloud Rider | Steve Attard | Skye Chernetz () | 4yof | 6 | $0 | 1: 0-0-1 | 0% | 100% | 33 | - | W |
05 | Firecracker Fiona | Gail Cox | Sofia Vives () | 3yof | 6 | $0 | 1: 0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | 64 | - | W |
06 | Beaumont Drive | Robert Tiller | Justin Stein () | 3yof | 17 | $0 | 2: 0-0-1 | 0% | 50% | 303 | - | W |
07 | Whiskey N Ice | Sid Attard | Fraser Aebly () | 3yof | 30 | $0 | 5: 0-1-1 | 0% | 40% | 30028 | - | W |
08 | Linda's Opal | Angus Buntain | Da Sean Gaskin () | 4yof | 30 | $0 | 2: 0-1-0 | 0% | 50% | 9x2 | - | W |
09 | Pretty Good Joke | Nicholas Nosowenko | Eswan Flores () | 4yof | 30 | $0 | 3: 0-1-0 | 0% | 33% | 264 | - | W |
10 | Resentless Seattle | Carlos Grant | Emma Jayne Wilson () | 3yof | $0 | 0: 0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | - | W | ||
11 | Trustmydaddyissues | Beverley Chubb | Juan Crawford () | 3yof | 30 | $0 | 1: 0-0-0 | 0% | 0% | 9 | - | W |
12 | Kitty'sspeedystarr | Kathy Patton | Jose Campos () | 3yof | 7 | $0 | 4: 1-0-0 | 25% | 25% | x44x10 | - | W |
3 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 19/04/2021 |
Sire: Goldencents Dam: Bossy Saratoga |
Breeder: Colours: Purple and green blocks, purple sleeves, green cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 67% |
Career 3: 0-1-1 |
12 months 3: 0-1-1 |
Jockey 2: 0-1-1 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 3: 0-1-1 |
Synthetic 3: 0-1-1 |
1st Up 2: 0-0-1 |
2nd Up 1: 0-1-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 0: 0-0-0 |
Track 3: 0-1-1 |
Trk/Dist 0: 0-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
44 days since last start
2/10 | 28ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 27/07/2024 Race 1308m Md Finished 2/10 2.00L (of $29,408), Jockey Pietro Moran, Weight 54kg 17/2 |
1st Encourageachother (Rafael Hernandez 54kg) Winning Time 1:18.060 2nd Golden Boss (Pietro Moran 54kg) 2.00L 3rd Reverse Psychology (Jose Campos 54kg) 1.50L |
3/9 | 294ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 29/06/2024 Race 1006m Md Finished 3/9 2.25L (of $49,859), Jockey Pietro Moran, Weight 54kg 22/1 |
1st Stealin'time (Ryan Munger 54kg) Winning Time 58.180 2nd Pretty Good Joke (Eswan Flores 56kg) 1.50L 3rd Golden Boss (Pietro Moran 54kg) 2.25L |
294d Spell
7/8 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 09/09/2023 Race 1207m Md Finished 7/8 13.00L (of $43,492), Jockey Luis Contreras, Weight 54kg 28/1 |
1st Mystic Lake (Dylan Davis 55kg) Winning Time 1:10.010 2nd Sounds Practical (Ryan Munger 54kg) 1.50L 3rd Stolen Valour (Jose Campos 54kg) 2.50L |
Jump to top
3 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 07/02/2021 |
Sire: Reload Dam: Tequilamockingbird |
Breeder: Colours: Yellow And Blue Hoops, Yellow Cap, blue hoops |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 25% |
Career 4: 0-0-1 |
12 months 4: 0-0-1 |
Jockey 0: 0-0-0 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 4: 0-0-1 |
Synthetic 4: 0-0-1 |
1st Up 1: 0-0-0 |
2nd Up 1: 0-0-1 |
3rd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
Distance 0: 0-0-0 |
Track 4: 0-0-1 |
Trk/Dist 0: 0-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
44 days since last start
7/10 | 20ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 27/07/2024 Race 1308m Md Finished 7/10 8.75L (of $29,408), Jockey Sofia Vives, Weight 54kg 6/1 |
1st Encourageachother (Rafael Hernandez 54kg) Winning Time 1:18.060 2nd Golden Boss (Pietro Moran 54kg) 2.00L 3rd Reverse Psychology (Jose Campos 54kg) 1.50L |
5/9 | 28ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 07/07/2024 Race 1308m Md Finished 5/9 8.25L (of $50,000), Jockey Kazushi Kimura, Weight 54kg 5/1 |
1st Ontario (Sofia Vives 54kg) Winning Time 1:17.530 2nd Catch The Drift (Rafael Hernandez 54kg) 3.00L 3rd Mrs. C (Fraser Aebly 56kg) 1.75L |
3/6 | 22ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 09/06/2024 Race 1207m Md Finished 3/6 0.75L (of $49,544), Jockey Sofia Vives, Weight 54kg 19/10 |
1st You Be The Judge (Ryan Munger 54kg) Winning Time 1:11.210 2nd Current Affair (Fraser Aebly 55kg) 0.20L 3rd Genius Of Love (Sofia Vives 54kg) 0.75L |
4/7 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 18/05/2024 Race 1207m Md Finished 4/7 5.50L (of $50,104), Jockey Ryan Munger, Weight 54kg 10/3 |
1st Red Samurai (Eswan Flores 54kg) Winning Time 1:10.320 2nd Spellcheck (Sofia Vives 54kg) 0.75L 3rd Midsummer Mo (Patrick Husbands 54kg) 0.50L |
Jump to top
3 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 08/02/2021 |
Sire: Souper Speedy Dam: Stranded |
Breeder: Colours: Maroon, white sleeves, maroon and white halved cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 50% |
Career 6: 0-2-1 |
12 months 6: 0-2-1 |
Jockey 5: 0-2-1 |
Turf 1: 0-1-0 |
Jumps 6: 0-2-1 |
Synthetic 5: 0-1-1 |
1st Up 2: 0-1-1 |
2nd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
Distance 3: 0-1-1 |
Track 6: 0-2-1 |
Trk/Dist 3: 0-1-1 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 1: 0-1-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
51 days since last start
2/7 | 216ddays |
Woodbine (Good) 20/07/2024 Race 1006m Md Finished 2/7 0.00L (of $37,516), Jockey Leo Salles, Weight 54kg 7/1 |
1st Shootin' Amy (David Moran 54kg) Winning Time 57.530 2nd Fedorova (Leo Salles 54kg) 0.00L 3rd Alpha Gamma Girl (Luis Contreras 54kg) 0.00L |
216d Spell
7/12 | 22ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 17/12/2023 Race 6 1207m Md Finished 7/12 5.25L (of $26,540), Jockey Leo Salles, Barrier 1, Weight 54kg 15/2 |
1st Braquet (Emma Jayne Wilson 55kg) Winning Time 1:13.070 2nd Saucy Name (Kazushi Kimura 54kg) 0.20L 3rd Momunnyfor Ro (Jose Campos 54kg) 0.50L |
2/11 | 14ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 25/11/2023 Race 6 1106m Md Finished 2/11 0.50L $17,102 (of $34,625), Jockey Leo Salles, Barrier 3, Weight 54kg 12/1 |
1st Magical Trick (Luis Contreras 55kg) Winning Time 1:06.430 2nd Fedorova (Leo Salles 54kg) 0.50L 3rd Norma No (Daisuke Fukumoto 54kg) 1.00L |
7/12 | 28ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 11/11/2023 Race 11 1308m Md Finished 7/12 7.50L (of $39,352), Jockey Leo Salles, Barrier 5, Weight 54kg 4/1 |
1st Little Teddy (Alexander Marti 54kg) Winning Time 1:17.630 2nd Royal Ribbon (Sahin Civaci 54kg) 0.50L 3rd Magical Trick (Luis Contreras 55kg) 2.50L |
4/10 | 21ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 14/10/2023 Race 1106m Md Finished 4/10 1.75L (of $26,000), Jockey Rafael Hernandez, Weight 54kg 10/3 |
1st Faithful Creek (Patrick Husbands 55kg) Winning Time 1:04.260 2nd Saucy Name (Kazushi Kimura 54kg) 1.00L 3rd Dixie Timber (Sahin Civaci 55kg) 0.50L |
3/11 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 23/09/2023 Race 5 1106m Md Finished 3/11 4.75L $8,551 (of $40,270), Jockey Leo Salles, Barrier 5, Weight 54kg 18/1 |
1st Lady Wellington (Rafael Hernandez 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.080 2nd Momunnyfor Ro (Luis Contreras 54kg) 4.50L 3rd Fedorova (Leo Salles 54kg) 4.75L |
Jump to top
4 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 30/01/2020 |
Sire: Cloud Computing Dam: She's Messi |
Breeder: Colours: White, purple cross sashes,white sleeves, purple cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 100% |
Career 1: 0-0-1 |
12 months 1: 0-0-1 |
Jockey 1: 0-0-1 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 1: 0-0-1 |
Synthetic 1: 0-0-1 |
1st Up 1: 0-0-1 |
2nd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 1: 0-0-1 |
Track 1: 0-0-1 |
Trk/Dist 1: 0-0-1 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
6 days since last start
3/6 | 24ddays |
Woodbine () 03/09/2024 Race 3 1308m Md Finished 3/6 $14,442 (of $144,424), Jockey Pietro Moran, Barrier 6, Weight 56kg |
1st Arami's Factor (Fraser Aebly 54kg) 2nd Coffee Crisp (Jose Campos 54kg) 3rd Cloud Rider (Pietro Moran 56kg) |
3/10 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 3/10 2.50L (of $37,516), Jockey Skye Chernetz, Weight 56kg 70/1 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd Cloud Rider (Skye Chernetz 56kg) 2.50L |
Jump to top
3 year old ch unknown Foaled: 18/02/2021 |
Sire: Flameaway Dam: Island Fever |
Breeder: Colours: Yellow, black horse, yellow sleeves, yellow cap with black quarters |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 0% |
Career 1: 0-0-0 |
12 months 1: 0-0-0 |
Jockey 2: 0-0-0 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 1: 0-0-0 |
Synthetic 1: 0-0-0 |
1st Up 1: 0-0-0 |
2nd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 1: 0-0-0 |
Track 1: 0-0-0 |
Trk/Dist 1: 0-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
6 days since last start
4/6 | 24ddays |
Woodbine () 03/09/2024 Race 3 1308m Md Finished 4/6 $10,110 (of $144,424), Jockey Sofia Vives, Barrier 2, Weight 54kg |
1st Arami's Factor (Fraser Aebly 54kg) 2nd Coffee Crisp (Jose Campos 54kg) 3rd Cloud Rider (Pietro Moran 56kg) |
6/10 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 6/10 3.75L (of $37,516), Jockey Sofia Vives, Weight 54kg 11/1 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd (Sofia Vives 54kg) |
Jump to top
3 year old gr/ro unknown Foaled: 22/04/2021 |
Sire: Seattle Serenade Dam: Make Waves |
Breeder: Colours: Silver, black collar, black armlet on silver sleeves, black cuffs, black cap with silver dots |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 50% |
Career 2: 0-0-1 |
12 months 2: 0-0-1 |
Jockey 1: 0-0-0 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 2: 0-0-1 |
Synthetic 2: 0-0-1 |
1st Up 1: 0-0-1 |
2nd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 2: 0-0-1 |
Track 2: 0-0-1 |
Trk/Dist 2: 0-0-1 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
17 days since last start
3/13 | 13ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 23/08/2024 Race 1408m Md Finished 3/13 3.25L (of $13,247), Jockey Sofia Vives, Weight 54kg 8/1 |
1st Magic Modie (Pietro Moran 56kg) Winning Time 1:25.240 2nd Shes A Darling (Fraser Aebly 54kg) 0.75L 3rd Beaumont Drive (Sofia Vives 54kg) 3.25L |
10/10 | 15ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 10/10 10.25L (of $37,516), Jockey Justin Stein, Weight 54kg 20/1 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd Whiskey N Ice (Fraser Aebly 54kg) 0.50L |
3/10 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 26/07/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 3/10 3.50L (of $20,614), Jockey Sofia Vives, Weight 54kg 11/2 |
1st Crimson Nights (Skye Chernetz 56kg) Winning Time 1:06.090 2nd Featherweight (Sahin Civaci 54kg) 2.50L 3rd Beaumont Drive (Sofia Vives 54kg) 3.50L |
Jump to top
3 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 30/05/2021 |
Sire: Old Forester Dam: Typical |
Breeder: Colours: Black, red diamonds, black sleeves, black cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 40% |
Career 5: 0-1-1 |
12 months 5: 0-1-1 |
Jockey 2: 0-1-0 |
Turf 2: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 5: 0-1-1 |
Synthetic 3: 0-1-1 |
1st Up 1: 0-0-1 |
2nd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
Distance 1: 0-0-0 |
Track 5: 0-1-1 |
Trk/Dist 1: 0-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 1: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
30 days since last start
8/10 | 21ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 8/10 2.50L (of $37,516), Jockey Fraser Aebly, Weight 54kg 7/2 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd (Fraser Aebly 54kg) |
2/12 | 36ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 20/07/2024 Race 1207m Md Finished 2/12 0.50L (of $28,094), Jockey Fraser Aebly, Weight 54kg 33/10 |
1st Red Mood (Da Sean Gaskin 54kg) Winning Time 1:11.590 2nd Whiskey N Ice (Fraser Aebly 54kg) 0.50L 3rd Spectacular Force (Sahin Civaci 54kg) 0.75L |
36d Freshened
-9/ | 1ddays |
Woodbine () 14/06/2024 Race 4 Md Finished -9/ (of 0), Jockey Emma Jayne Wilson, Weight kg |
1st (Emma Jayne Wilson n/a) 2nd (Emma Jayne Wilson n/a) 3rd (Emma Jayne Wilson n/a) |
10/12 | 13ddays |
Woodbine (Good) 13/06/2024 Race 1308m Md Finished 10/12 15.50L (of $2,434), Jockey Emma Jayne Wilson, Weight 54kg 9/1 |
1st Blameless Ghost (Sahin Civaci 55kg) Winning Time 1:15.060 2nd Twisted Romance (Eswan Flores 55kg) 1.25L 3rd Saucy Name (Rafael Hernandez 54kg) 0.75L |
3/8 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 31/05/2024 Race 6 1207m Md Finished 3/8 1.00L (of $19,692), Jockey Eswan Flores, Weight 54kg 4/1 |
1st Mitole Power (David Moran 55kg) Winning Time 1:12.310 2nd Spectacular Force (Kazushi Kimura 54kg) 0.50L 3rd Whiskey N Ice (Eswan Flores 54kg) 1.00L |
Jump to top
4 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 11/05/2020 |
Sire: Frac Daddy Dam: Lady Marchfield |
Breeder: Colours: Blue, red cross belts, red hoops on sleeves, blue and red quartered cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 50% |
Career 2: 0-1-0 |
12 months 1: 0-1-0 |
Jockey 1: 0-1-0 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 2: 0-1-0 |
Synthetic 2: 0-1-0 |
1st Up 2: 0-1-0 |
2nd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 1: 0-1-0 |
Track 2: 0-1-0 |
Trk/Dist 1: 0-1-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
30 days since last start
2/10 | 399ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 2/10 2.00L (of $37,516), Jockey Da Sean Gaskin, Weight 56kg 22/1 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) |
399d Spell
9/10 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 08/07/2023 Race 5 1207m Md Finished 9/10 9.25L (of $26,564), Jockey Jodeien Anderson, Barrier 5, Weight 54kg 33/1 |
1st Gamble's Orb (Sahin Civaci 56kg) Winning Time 1:11.040 2nd Lantana Lady (Ryan Munger 54kg) 0.30L 3rd Cherry Gardens (Eswan Flores 54kg) 3.50L |
Jump to top
4 year old b unknown Foaled: 10/04/2020 |
Sire: Practical Joke Dam: Royale Michele |
Breeder: Colours: Orange, black diamonds, orange diamond on black sleeves, black cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 33% |
Career 3: 0-1-0 |
12 months 3: 0-1-0 |
Jockey 2: 0-1-0 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 3: 0-1-0 |
Synthetic 3: 0-1-0 |
1st Up 1: 0-1-0 |
2nd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
Distance 2: 0-0-0 |
Track 3: 0-1-0 |
Trk/Dist 2: 0-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
30 days since last start
4/10 | 20ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 4/10 2.75L (of $37,516), Jockey Eswan Flores, Weight 56kg 17/2 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd (Eswan Flores 56kg) |
6/6 | 22ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 21/07/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 6/6 17.25L (of $40,999), Jockey Sofia Vives, Weight 54kg 17/5 |
1st Rule The Waves (Jose Campos 52kg) Winning Time 1:04.390 2nd Summer Buck (Eswan Flores 54kg) 2.00L 3rd Backonthechaingang (Cheyenne Kerr 54kg) 0.20L |
2/9 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 29/06/2024 Race 1006m Md Finished 2/9 1.50L (of $49,859), Jockey Eswan Flores, Weight 56kg 18/1 |
1st Stealin'time (Ryan Munger 54kg) Winning Time 58.180 2nd Pretty Good Joke (Eswan Flores 56kg) 1.50L 3rd Golden Boss (Pietro Moran 54kg) 0.75L |
Jump to top
3 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 27/02/2021 |
Sire: Seattle Serenade Dam: Resentless |
Breeder: Colours: White, black horses head, black hoops on white sleeves, white cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 0% |
Career 0: 0-0-0 |
12 months 0: 0-0-0 |
Jockey 0: 0-0-0 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 0: 0-0-0 |
Synthetic 0: 0-0-0 |
1st Up 0: 0-0-0 |
2nd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 0: 0-0-0 |
Track 0: 0-0-0 |
Trk/Dist 0: 0-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
First Start
Jump to top
3 year old dk b/br unknown Foaled: 20/02/2021 |
Sire: Silent Name Dam: Do You Trust Me |
Breeder: Colours: Black, red ball, black sleeves, black cap |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range - |
Win 0% |
Place 0% |
Career 1: 0-0-0 |
12 months 1: 0-0-0 |
Jockey 1: 0-0-0 |
Turf 0: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 1: 0-0-0 |
Synthetic 1: 0-0-0 |
1st Up 1: 0-0-0 |
2nd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 1: 0-0-0 |
Track 1: 0-0-0 |
Trk/Dist 1: 0-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 0: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
30 days since last start
9/10 |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 9/10 7.25L (of $37,516), Jockey Juan Crawford, Weight 54kg 45/1 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd (Juan Crawford 54kg) |
Jump to top
3 year old b unknown Foaled: 07/05/2021 |
Sire: Souper Speedy Dam: Bear's Kitty Kitty |
Breeder: Colours: Orange |
Prizemoney $0 |
Ave $ $0 |
Win Range 1011m |
Win 25% |
Place 25% |
Career 4: 1-0-0 |
12 months 4: 1-0-0 |
Jockey 3: 1-0-0 |
Turf 1: 0-0-0 |
Jumps 4: 1-0-0 |
Synthetic 3: 1-0-0 |
1st Up 3: 1-0-0 |
2nd Up 1: 0-0-0 |
3rd Up 0: 0-0-0 |
Distance 2: 1-0-0 |
Track 4: 1-0-0 |
Trk/Dist 2: 1-0-0 |
Firm 0: 0-0-0 |
Good 1: 0-0-0 |
Soft 0: 0-0-0 |
Heavy 0: 0-0-0 |
7 days since last start
-9/7 | 23ddays |
Woodbine () 02/09/2024 Race 7 1006m Finished -9/7 (of $79,931), Jockey Jose Campos, Barrier 1, Weight 54kg |
1st Wet And Wild (Rafael Hernandez 55kg) 2nd Fifty B M G (Justin Stein 54kg) 3rd Onella (Pietro Moran 53kg) |
1/10 | 258ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 10/08/2024 Race 1106m Md Finished 1/10 0.00L (of $37,516), Jockey Jose Campos, Weight 54kg 6/1 |
1st Kitty'sspeedystarr (Jose Campos 54kg) Winning Time 1:05.260 2nd Linda's Opal (Da Sean Gaskin 56kg) 2.00L 3rd (Jose Campos 54kg) |
258d Spell
4/11 | 22ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 26/11/2023 Race 6 1106m Md Finished 4/11 2.25L $5,986 (of $34,625), Jockey Justin Stein, Barrier 5, Weight 54kg 9/1 |
1st Magical Trick (Luis Contreras 55kg) Winning Time 1:06.430 2nd Fedorova (Leo Salles 54kg) 0.50L 3rd Norma No (Daisuke Fukumoto 54kg) 1.00L |
4/10 | 63ddays |
Woodbine (Synthetic) 04/11/2023 Race 5 1006m Md Finished 4/10 4.25L $5,986 (of $39,762), Jockey Jose Campos, Barrier 5, Weight 54kg 7/1 |
1st Just Follow Me (Sahin Civaci 54kg) Winning Time 58.590 2nd Echo Seven (Eswan Flores 55kg) 3.25L 3rd Saucy Name (Kazushi Kimura 54kg) 0.30L |
63d Spell
4/6 |
First Start |
Woodbine (Good) 02/09/2023 Race 1006m Md Finished 4/6 0.00L (of $26,126), Jockey Rico Walcott, Weight 52kg 13/5 |
1st Natural Star (Eswan Flores 55kg) Winning Time 58.260 2nd Bankingonamiracle (Leo Salles 55kg) 0.00L 3rd Myra's Boy (Jose Campos 55kg) 0.00L |
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