Sorry but we don't have any speedmap information for this event.
  • Weather

    Mostly Cloudy

    Wind: SW at 5kph
    Humidity: 75%

  • Track Details

    Conditions: Synthetic
    Track: Southwell, Southwell, United Kingdom
    Rail Position:
    Circumference: 2011

  • Southwell track map
  • Race Details

    Jump Time:  (your time)
    Race Name: #5 - Novice Median Auction Stakes
    Race Title: CL5Nv
    Track Record: Distance: 1773m

  • Prize Money

    • 1st $7,015.
    • 2nd $2,087.
    • 3rd $1,043.
    • 4th $522.
  • Race Entry Conditions

    Age: 3YO to 4YO