Speed Map

Predicted settling positions after start
Rail Position: +7m 1400-W/P; +3.5m Remainder
  • Weather

    20° Clear

    Wind: ENE at 0kph
    Humidity: 82%

  • Track Details

    Conditions: Soft 6
    Track: Gold Coast, Gold Coast, Australia
    Rail Position: +7m 1400-W/P; +3.5m Remainder
    Straight: 400 meters
    Circumference: 1885

  • Gold Coast track map
  • Race Details

    Jump Time:  (your time)
    Race Name: #1 - REALESTATE.COM.AU Class 4 Handicap
    Race Title: CL4
    Track Record: Distance: 1400m

  • Prize Money

    • 1st $10,400.
    • 2nd $3,200.
    • 3rd $1,600.
    • 4th $800.
  • Race Entry Conditions

    Age: No age restriction
    Ballot: Rating Based
    Class: Class 4
    MinWeight: 54.00
    Sex: No sex restriction
    Weight: Handicap

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© 2024 Racing Queensland Limited (RQL) (and other parties working with it). QLD racing materials, including fields, form and results are subject to copyright which is owned by RQL and other parties working with it.